New Feature: Inventory Management

So, I said I'd get some emails out to everyone through January, and here I am, doing just that! YAY! 

We had some awesome  new features added to our platform to make being a Registered Vendor with TVM better than ever. The thing about me being a Small Business is that I get to hear your struggles and understand where you need support, and then, I can actually act on that information. My last email, incase you missed it, was on the Contact Now Button. You can read about that here

Another one of the big things was Inventory. It was really hard for vendors that sell one of a kind items because what if someone added 3 of that item to their cart. So we had a potential for some tough conversations, and we want to help avoid those as much as possible. After discussions with our vendors, we agreed that managing this was a top priority and we went to work developing the ability for vendors to put in inventory numbers. You get to dictate how many of an item can be sold. How many of an item can be sold at one time, and even if that item, once sold, leaves the shop or stays listed but just "out of stock". 

The feedback as been amazing! Really, this update opened the doors for a lot of vendors to feel confident in adding their product and knowing they could fulfill the orders that were made. 

I'm so proud that we were able to get this new feature out before the busy Holiday season! 

In the meantime, please reach out with any questions you have about! I love hearing them because it helps me understand what questions could be out there preventing people from joining us! So please, ask away! 




Keeping it Canadian: Why Supporting Local Business Tools Matters


New Feature: Contact Now Button