New Feature: Contact Now Button

In an effort to help Small Shops stay up to date with what I have going on at The Virtual Market, I'm going to send updates as we do them.

The most recent one is the Contact Now button that's been added to the shop card. This means that you'll be able to utilize your current social media accounts to communicate with your shoppers directly from our platform! 

It shows up as a simple button below your logo that you can customize to whatever method works best for you. If you'd like them to email you, when they click "contact now" an email template will pop up so they can easily send you one. Or if you pick Facebook Messenger then when they click "contact now" it'll come up so that they are sending you a message directly in Facebook Messenger. 

It's such a cool feature, especially for those of you that like to do custom orders. 

Anyway, that's just one small feature that we've been able to add recently. 

We have also added inventory management, order management, updated our customer profile completion to be MUCH more user friendly... 

Lots of cool things. I'll do another email next week to explain some of the other cool things we've done to make our platform more powerful and user friendly than before. 

I hope this email is informative for you. I also hope you've had a wonderful holiday celebrating whatever traditions are meaningful for you in whatever way brings you peace.

In the meantime, please reach out with any questions you have about! I love hearing them because it helps me understand what questions could be out there preventing people from joining us! So please, ask away! 


New Feature: Inventory Management


Happy New Year!